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Invocation of external programs


You can call SSH clients, such as Tera Term Pro or RLogin, with the SSH connection informations stored in RHarbor.

Settings of external programs

Add a program setting

Click plus button in [Settings]/[External Programs] to select a template. Select “From scratch” if your expected client not listed.

External Programs

The executable path and command-line argument will be automatically set in some templates. Make sure these properties match your environment.

Parameters such as {host} and {username} can be used in “Command-line argument”. Each parameters will be replaced with the values of the SSH connection information. Please refer to the “Command-line argument” section for more details.

Click Save Settings button at the bottom-right of the screen to save the settings.

Prepared program setting templates

You can add a program setting using the following templates.

Otherwise make your own setting as you wish.

Command-line argument

You can embed parameters in a command-line argument with the format like {KEY}.

The following parameters can be used by default. They will be replaced with the values specified in the SSH connection information.

Key Replacement
{host} Host name
{port} Port
{username} Username
{password} Password / Passphrade
{keyfile} File path for private key file

Likewise, the parameters which you define in “Additional Parameters” in each connection setting can be used.

In addition, conditional operator (condition ? positive : negative) can be included so that the value can be varied depending on the condition.

The “condition” part can accept the following expressions. First operand (KEY shown in the table below) will be evaluated as the key of the parameter and another parameter (A) will be evaluated as string.

Expression Evaluation
KEY=A Positive if the value for the key eqauls to A
KEY!=A Positive if the value for the key NOT eqauls to A
KEY Positive if the value is set AND is non-empty
!KEY Positive if the value is NOT set OR is empty

Examples for command-line argument

Assume the following connection information.

Parameter Value
Host name my-host
Key file path C:\my-host.key
Additional parameter stage staging

Then if you set “Example” to “Command-line argument”, “Result” value will be passed as the argument for the external program.

Example Result Explanation
{stage} staging Replaced with additional parameter stage’s value
{stage=staging?blue:red} blue Replaced with blue as stage’s value is staging
{stage?hoge:fuga} hoge Replaced with hoge as stage is defined
{!stage?{host}:{host}-{stage}} my-host-staging Replaced with my-host-staging as the result of {host}-{stage}
/auth={keyfile?publickey:password} /auth=publickey Replaced with publickey as keyfile is specified

Removing a setting

Click Remove button and save settings to remove an existed setting.

Invoking SSH client

Click Invoke SSH client button in SSH connection information panel to list your programs.

Invoking SSH client

Select a program then the program will be invoked with the connection information.

If “Copy to clipboard” is checked in the program setting, the command text will be set to clipboard instead of starting the program.


Keyfile for PuTTY

SSH key files which used in RHarbor are OpenSSH format. It means the key files are not able to use for PuTTY

If you use PuTTY as an SSH client, please consider the following procedure.

First, convert from the OpenSSH key file into the PuTTY format using PuTTYgen (included in PuTTY). Then name the PuTTY key file as <Original OpenSSH key file name>.ppk and place within the same folder as the OpenSSH key file.

For instance the PuTTY key file would be named key.pem.ppk for its original OpenSSH key file named key.pem.

Now you can pass the appropriate key file to the PuTTY program with the command-line argument setting like putty -ssh -i "{keyfile}.ppk".